In this day and age, most people prefer to use an online job portal to seek and apply for a job for the reason of convenience. As you know, a job vacancy website can be fast, easy, and cheap. But, this doesn’t eliminate the possibility of negative impacts. So, here are the disadvantages of advertising a job online.

Attracting bad candidates

As you know, one of the primary reasons why companies use online job portals is to attract a wider audience. In addition, online job portals also ease job applicants when submitting their applications. As a result, you may receive hundreds of applicants for your job vacancy post. But, this doesn’t always mean a good thing.

Not all applicants are serious about their submissions. In addition, some of them may not even be qualified for the job that you offered. So, even if you use the best job vacancy website, the chance of getting poorly-qualified candidates will become greater.

Spiraling cost

Online job portals are advantageous in terms of the cost spent to advertise your job opening. But, this doesn’t mean that you have full access to the platform’s features. Some job portals may charge you an additional cost for full access to features that makes their service worthy, such as an AI-based screening system and candidate tracking.

In addition, if your job advertisement doesn’t generate the expected response, you may need to promote it. This can also increase the cost of posting a job on a job vacancy website.

Lost labor hours

As previously mentioned, posting a job vacancy on an online job portal website may generate a lot of job applications. However, if you receive large volumes of applications, you may need to increase your effort to manage them. This is not a problem for a big corporation that has a special division to handle a large volume of applications. But, if you just started the company, managing all applications can be a nightmare.

This may require you to abandon more important jobs to manage all applications. As a result, your company’s overall function may not work normally. So, unless you have a special recruitment division, be prepared for a sleepless night of managing the submitted application.

So, those are the disadvantages of posting job vacancies on a job vacancy website. Despite sounding horrible, all of those disadvantages can be anticipated with some smart preemptive measures. So, don’t let those disadvantages discourage you from posting a job vacancy on an online job portal.

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